Monday, August 24, 2015

Singles - Abstinence is still relevant

Abstinence is still relevant today. There are millions of young people who want to believe in a love that waits and cherishes and is unique and special. They want hope that there is someone out there who is waiting for them. They are looking for someone who is willing to put Godly obedience above their own lusts. This is the part of the power of a life transformed by Jesus Christ. We are a light to the world, and part of that light is the hope that sexual purity still exists. 
The secular message is that abstinence is for up-tight radical Christians who don't enjoy life and look down on everyone else.  The truth is that the world hates those to stand for and (even worse) live up to godly principles. 

It is my belief that compromising biblical sexuality destroys hope.  Just like divorce and adultery cause people to lose hope in the value of marriage, compromising our stance on pre-marital sex creates confusion where the value of abstinence is lost.  This loss of hope inevitably this leads to relationships that emotionally wound and scar everyone involved. 

We all (hopefully) understand the basic value of abstinence: those who wait until they are married are more likely to be healthy emotionally and physically.  There is no chance of getting pregnant. When sex is off the table it fosters self-control and friendship rather than lust. 

Abstinence is much more than abstaining from sex.  It is a desire for something greater and better than satisfying carnal urges.  It is part of the spiritual battle against the flesh and it's lusts.  It is a test of faith and obedience.  Let's not abandon the truth that obedience has great value - both in this life and the next.  Whenever believers decide to trust the wisdom of God rather than enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season (Hebrews 11:25) they find that they are blessed as a result. Abstinence is as much, if not more, about obedience to God than about establishing a solid marriage. 

Of course we can't overstate the importance of abstinence when it comes to creating a solid marriage.  When two virgins promise before God to live in a monogamous relationship it is a beautiful thing. It is a God designed union free from jealousy, shame, suspicion and abuse.  It is a symbol of Christ and the Church. 
Abstinence is still relevant today.  We must teach it, model it, and defend it.   


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